Friday, May 6, 2011

Endless Toil

Of fair maidens and virtuous kings,
there might indeed, a time have been.
When sunlight laced with golden hymns,
would cast a spell upon the wind.
When men would walk a righteous path,
and teach their sons, the song of truth.
And in a mother's warm embrace,
a child would learn what love could do.

What need for wealth then would there be?
Would then any man be plagued by greed?

If such a time there ever was,
then one must wonder how it was lost.
For now that man has gone astray,
the hour is dire, the sky is gray.
Blood is spilled for peace' sake,
and horror lurks at every place.
Bullets seem to mete an easy end,
as still worse terrors man invents.

Enslaved by the sight of money,
we live in endless toil,
lust keeps our eyes wide open,
but we're blind, so blind.

Let not this sickness,
that has overcome the earth,
numb you into believing,
that all is well.
For ignorance is bliss, 
only for a little while,
till it sneaks up behind you,
and wipes your smile.

How long will it be,
till this madness catches up with me?
As the world spins into disarray,
I wish to rise above the fray.
And  so I search,
for answers absolute.
With a hope that I'll find,
peace beyond the horizon.


Rheu Dubey said...

I like it!
Very chivalrous-esque.
I like the parallel between the knights and the self.


Rheu Dubey said...

I did not mean parallel.. I meant.. GAH! I can not remember the word.. I like the way one is set as like the opposite of the other.. yes. :D

allthough to be fair, the knights were no worse than us.. marrying for financial gain and nothing else.. religion running amuck. Its like.. nothing changes.. except maybe technology :S

the hint of a spark said...

Yea, I know what you mean. However, I think there must have been a time when man lived in better days... there was so much less to worry about back then...
for example.. they used clay.. we are brought up to think of them as primitive.. but clay is a much more environmentally friendly substance.. as opposed to plastic which is non biodegradable.. now you tell me, who's more technologically advanced? ; )
Agreed we have a lot more going as far as technology is concerned, but I am questioning "advancement".. I don't see these technologies making us any happier, or indeed safer.. it just clutters up our lives.. today's inventions are meant for convenience.. but all they do is take up more and more of our time.. man has gotten busier, more stressed, and on the whole less happy than any other time in history. Or so it seems when I look around.

SBD said...

I agree that technology hasn't made us any happier or closer to God, but I'm not sure that there was a time when people were less worried or more content. I don't believe man's discontentment and selfishness comes from our surroundings, but from our sinful hearts, because we so naturally make selfish choices to move toward our own comfort. I really enjoyed, though, how the poem showed love as the beginning of a conscious life, and how ignorance and distraction, which are practically idols in our time, cripple our ability to love and care for others.

the hint of a spark said...

Spot on as usual! :D
"I don't believe man's discontentment and selfishness comes from our surroundings, but from our sinful hearts, because we so naturally make selfish choices to move toward our own comfort"
I agree with you on the fact that selfishness comes from our hearts, but I still feel that our surroundings have a great effect on our consciousness too; both the people and the things that we surround ourselves with.
For example: the information explosion has caused man to become desensitized to issues that one should be very sensitive to. Because only when one is sensitive about something that is wrong, will they take a step to right that wrong. Take crimes of passion for instance. We hear about it all the time, in the news, on tv. And this has caused people to become desensitized towards such things, to the extent that people use words like "rape" on a daily basis in different contexts. This absolutely dilutes the seriousness of the actual act, and can be very hurtful to those who have in some way been affected directly or indirectly by that heinous act.
In earlier days, before the information explosion, people were far more sensitive to these things and were therefore more likely to act to fix the same. I am not saying that these things didn't happen, or that people were all good at a time long past... however, I'm saying that in that time long past, I think there must have been more good people, simply because their surroundings made it easier for them to be good people!

Kalyan said...

lovely words...nicely crafted lines!